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April, 2023 KSIF Newsletter

Department in charge홍보협력팀





NO.118 April 2023

Online Newsletter


April is here,
and the streets are awash with
vibrant shades of green.
In this issue,
we introduce you to
a student-turned-professional
from KSI Bogot, Colombia,
who, like the trees donning their new foliage,
has transformed her life.
We also explore the
KBS Korean Language Research Association,
a group dedicated to researching and promoting
the proper use of the Korean language.

What other news is there to report?

Knock Knock!
Knocking on your inbox to bring you the latest
from KSIF and KSI.

KSI People we met in April 세종학당 학습자들
Meet Angie Pérez, a KSI alumna who has joined
POSCO Colombia driven by her love for Korea.

Angie has been passionate about Korean culture since she was nine years old. Her dedication and determination to learn the Korean language has led her to a rewarding career. “Take on the challenge!” Discover the uplifting tale of Angie Pérez from KSI Bogotá, who embodies the spirit of determination and self-assurance.

Now, in KSIF

Satisfaction among KSI students has increased by 1.4 points compared to last year

A 2022 survey of 12,411 KSI students revealed an overall satisfaction rating of 91.1 points. marking a four-year growth streak.

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KSI's initiative supporting local teacher recruitment for degree completion celebrates five graduates in 2023

Since its start in 2019, the King Sejong Institute Foundation’s support for locally-hired instructors pursuing degrees in Korean language education has resulted in a total of 32 local instructors earning their degrees.

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KSIF attended the 46th National Conference of The Korean Society of Bilingualism, hosting an exhibition booth

The Foundation showcased evolving Korean language education content to researchers, highlighting their efforts in creating and managing the Metaverse King Sejong Institue, and providing an educational content experience booth.

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Now, with KSIF

Special Interview for
KBS newscaster Kim Tae-gyu

We introduce KBS newscaster Kim Tae-gyu, Chairman of the KBS Korean Language Research Association, who is working closely with KSIF to study and promote the proper use of the Korean language.

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This month’s talks

◦Meeting and visit with the Chairman
    and Vice Chairman of the National
    Association for Korean Schools

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Now, in KSI

KSI Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

KSI Bishkek celebrated its tenth anniversary, with over 800 attendees enjoying Kyrgyz and Korean traditional performances and fostering unity between the two nations.

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KSI Tashkent I, Uzbekistan

KSI Tashkent I plans to continue expanding its educational programs, focusing on teaching the Korean language and culture to the elderly Korean community in Uzbekistan.

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We always welcome your feedback!
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