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January, 2023 KSIF Newsletter

Department in charge홍보협력팀





NO.115 January 2023

Online Newsletter


Happy New Year.
2023 is the year of Black Rabbit,
which signifies prosperity and abundance.
We hope all KSI students and staff enjoy and
make the most out of the Black Rabbit spirit this year.
In 2023, KSIF will continue to work towards promoting
the Korean language and culture to more people around the globe.
This year, we have appointed our first-ever Foreigner
Honorary ambassadors, and we have also completed
the training session for overseas instructors
who will be going abroad to teach Korean.
What else has happened?

Knock, knock!
Knocking on your inbox to bring you the latest
from KSIF and KSI.

1월에 만난 세종학당 사람들 세종학당 외국인 선생님
Introducing two KSI locations in London.

Currently, there is a special exhibition being held at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, a museum with a 170-year history, under the title ‘Hallyu! The Korean Wave’. This is the first time an exhibition on Hallyu has been hosted in England, a country known for being an international melting pot of cultures. We interviewed two staff members, each from KSI, Korean Cultural Centre London and KSI London, two separate locations in one city, both known for their contribution to spreading the Korean language and culture, and asked them about the increasing popularity of Hallyu in London and the role KSI plays.

지금, 세종학당재단에서는

KSIF, a new step forward

The foundation has new ventures planned for 2023, in line with its vision to “connect people all over the world with the Korean language and culture for a future together.”

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Three foreigners who love Korea, appointed as new Honorary ambassadors for the KSIF.

KSIF has appointed Alberto Mondi, Lucky, and Daniel Lindemann as its new Honorary ambassadors. This is the first time the foundation has appointed foreigners as its Honorary ambassadors.

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KSI Dispatched Teachers received training in Korea prior to going abroad

The 46 overseas instructors recruited the training, during which they learned about teaching methods and received the training necessary to adjust to the local circumstances at the KSI locations where each of them will be joining.

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2022 KSI Inspirational Story Awards Ceremony

Winners of the ‘2022 KSI Inspirational Story Contest’ were invited to Korea to join the Award Ceremony,

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지금, 세종학당재단과 함께

Special Interview_ Alberto Mondi, Daniel Lindemann, Lucky

“We understand how international students who study Korean feel and think better than anyone else. So, we’re confident we can make them feel better connected.”

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지금, 세종학당에서는

KSI Sofia, Bulgaria

KSI Sofia’s Sejong Culture Academy successfully hosted its performance presentation .

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KSI Chiang Mai, Thailand

40 students from Ssanbbaddung school in Chiang Mai visited KSI Chiang Mai to learn about the Korean language and culture.

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