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This month’s talks






NO.117 March 2023

Now, with KSIF

2022 KSI Cultural Interns visit the Foundation

On March 7, "2022 KSI Cultural Interns" visited the King Sejong Institute Foundation. These interns, who conducted Korean cultural education at 21 KSIs across 18 countries last year, shared their insights about their cultural internship activities and their local KSI"s interest in Korean culture with said KSIF President Lee Hai-young.

Meeting and visit with the President of Eötvös Loránd University in Eötvös, Hungary

On March 8, President László Borhy of Eötvös Loránd University, which operates the KSI Budapest, Hungary, and Hamar Imre, President of KSI Budapest. They discussed the current state of Korean language education in Hungary with Lee and explored future collaboration for KSI Budapest.


Knock, knock!
Let me tell you the story of King Sejong Institute!