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Face masks provided to King Sejong Institutes overseas





KSIF Newsletter
No. 90 | December 2020

KSIF to provide masks to ensure learner safety

Masks to be supplied to 140 KSI locations across the globe, protecting learners from COVID-19


▲ Learners at the KSI in Sofia, Bulgaria, wearing face masks provided by KSIF.


▲ Learners at the KSI in Wuhan, China, holding KSIF-supplied face masks.

The King Sejong Institute Foundation (KSIF, president: Kang Hyounhwa) has delivered face masks to KSI locations the world over.
The reusable cotton masks were made by the KSIF and provided to some 140 King Sejong Institutes across the globe.
Each KSI received 100 masks, for a total of some 14,000. The KSI locations will deliver the masks to learners either by mail or through later offline events, as the COVID-19 pandemic has restricted face-to-face classes.