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KNU & WDU Receive Recognition





KSIF Newsletter
No. 88 | October 2020

Kongju National University &
Wonkwang Digital University Receive Recognition

The KSIF presents Certificate of Merit in recognition of running KSI branches for more than a decade
KNU teaching 1,600 learners in Mongolia and WDU teaching 2,700 learners in Russia annually


▲ Kang Hyounhwa, President of the KSIF, and Secretary-General Yoon Munwon (from the right) presenting certificates of merit to Park Hubert, Director of the Homeland Education Program for Overseas Koreans at KNU, and Kim Gyu-yeol, President of WDU (from the right)

Kongju National University (KNU, President Won Sung-soo) and Wonkang Digital University (WDU, President Kim Gyu-yeol) were presented with Certificate of Merit in recognition of their contribution to the propagation of the Korean language.

The King Sejong Institute Foundation (KSIF, president: Kang Hyounhwa) held a non-contact award presentation ceremony at the education center on the seventh floor of the KSIF building in Seocho-dong, Seoul on September 17 to recognize the two educational institutions.

This was the first time the foundation presented certificates of merit as a way to bring to light the hard work and dedication of King Sejong Institute (KSI) operators based in Korea and show its appreciation. Of the 213 KSI locations worldwide, 72 are operated by domestic operators in partnership with local entities.

KNU signed a memorandum of understanding with the National University of Mongolia in October 2007, and the two universities have been jointly operating KSI Ulaanbaatar II for the past 13 years. Receiving around 1,600 people registering annually, the branch has taught more than 9,000 learners over the years.

KSI Moscow I operated in the capital of Russia by WDU is one of the largest KSI branches in the world, with about 2,700 people registering each year. More than 25,000 people have studied at the branch in the past decade.

Shin Yeon-ji, a staff at the KSI Support Department, said, “With the efforts of the KSIF and domestic operators, countless foreigners around the world are learning the Korean language and culture. We organized this event to express our gratitude for their hard work.”

The KSIF will continue collaborating with private entities to spread the Korean language even further based on the Korean Language Propagation Plan (2020-2022) and foster its Korean language education brand, King Sejong Institute.