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June, 2023 KSIF Newsletter

Department in charge홍보협력팀





NO.120 June 2023

Online Newsletter


Under the sizzling sun,
the month of June starts a new summer.
In this issue, we talk to the winners of the Sejong TalkPawon 25 Contest
held at the 2023 Middle East and Africa King Sejong Institute Workshop.
We will also have new, newly designated KSI locations in 2023,
with the number of students reaching 100,000.

What other news is there to report?

Knock Knock!
Knocking on your inbox to bring you the latest
from KSIF and KSI.

KSI People we met in June 세종학당 학습자들
We are happy to inform the world about the King Sejong Institute!

At the end of May, the King Sejong Institute Foundation hosted the 2023 Middle East and Africa King Sejong Institute Workshop in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Here, the Sejong TalkPawon 25 Contest Awards under the theme of “KSI Communicates with the World” were held. The winners of each field gave acceptance speeches.

Grand Prize : Song Ji-sun,
Dispatched Teacher at KSI Nairobi, Kenya
Excellence Prize : Han Jung-jae,
Operating Staff at KSI Korean Cultural Center, Nigeria
Participation Prize : Sumaya Nabas,
Instructor at KSI Amman, Jordan

Now, in KSIF

KSI will open 19 new locations in 16 countries, and the number of learners will reach 120,000

The King Sejong Institute Foundation will designate 19 new KSI locations in 16 countries in 2023 and will start operating 248 locations in 85 countries.

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2023 KSI Korean Language Teacher Training

The 2023 KSI Korean Language Teacher Training will be conducted in July at 21 locations in 17 countries.

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2023 Workshop for using the KSI Achievement Evaluation Question Bank

A Non-face-to-face, In-depth Workshop for using the Question Bank for KSI Achievement Evaluation will be held from June 14 to July 7, targeting all teachers at KSI.

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KSIF was selected as the best-practice institution for fair and competency-based recruitment

KSIF was selected as a best practice institution for fair and competency-based recruitment at the 2023 Corporate Recruitment On-site Support Project Workshop and presented their achievements and best practices.

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Now, with KSIF

Special Interview for
Jinmin Lee, CEO of ISOI

Introducing ISOI, which sponsored the 2023 Middle East & Africa King Sejong Institute Workshop.

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This month’s talks

◦Visit from the government
    delegation of Sharjah, UAE
◦Visit and talk with a KD Navien
◦Visit and talk with Dongpo News
◦First business meeting held in the

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This month’s collaborations

◦KSIF to collaborate with the
    Department of Government
    Relations (DGR) in Sharjah

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Now, in KSI

KSI in Vietnam

“Naratmalssaem 2: K-wave Crash Course Teachers Expedition” visited a KSI in Vietnam.

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KSI Quimper, France

KSI Quimper opened a Hangeul bookmark-making atelier at the Printemps Coréen in Nantes, France.

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We always welcome your feedback!
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you would like to share to the e-mail address below!
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